TheĀ Impact Coaching Blog
Welcome to our blog written by our Chartered Psychologists
In the first video on this two-part sequence I introduced you to the simple but powerful fact that how you think, feel and experience the world affects what you actually do. Therefore if you are...
This video starts you off with one of the most fundamental aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching. It is part 1 of a two part series, the next one will complete this element of learning to have...
Personal impact is the outcome of a number of factors, and one of the most important is personal power.
Personal power is the ability to control the things that are genuinely within your control...
Personal impact starts with the ability to switch out of autopilot and to take conscious control over your moment-by-moment experience. Easy to say, harder to do, but with practice and some effort...
Do you want to be a better leader? Have greater personal impact, improve your leadership presence. Be more influential?
Are you the biggest thing holding you back?
Imagine how far you...
In this short video we compare confidence to swimming!
As coaching psychologists, we talk a lot about self confidence. But why are some people not naturally self confident?
As Coaching Psychologists working with Leaders, one area that comes up regularly is the need to be more assertive, more influential, more impressive in front of seniors. We hear many reasons,...
As Coaching Psychologists we believe that confidence is a skill that can be learnt.
It is a bit like learning a language.
If you want to learn French, you would learn some vocab and...
Self-efficacy is crucial for leadership success. But it can dip in certain situations. Wouldn't it be better if it didn't! The good news is there are things you can do to prevent it from doing so....
Self confidence is fundamental to a fulfilling life.
In this video, David and Emma discuss self confidence. They explain what self confidence is and why it is fundamental to a...
In life, we can make things easier for ourselves or we can make them harder. In fact it seems like this is a perennial truth, we have influence over the course of our lives whether we exercise this...
The Self-confidence indicator is a simple but effective tool that allows you to learn where your self-confidence stands. Take the test and your results are emails directly to you.