The Impact Coaching Blog

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Comparing Confidence To Swimming!

Jul 25, 2024

In this short video we compare confidence to swimming! 

As coaching psychologists, we talk a lot about self confidence.  But why are some people not naturally self confident? 

We think it is a bit like swimming!

If you swim with weights, it will drag you down and make swimming harder.  Similarly, if you are weighed down by negative self talk, it will make you feel heavy.  If you take it further, negative thoughts can make you feel depressed. 

When you have negative self talk it makes it harder to function, to swim.  You get used to living your life, keeping your head just above water.  But it isn't very enjoyable.  

To have a more enjoyable experience, it is important to learn the skill of self confidence because it helps you to swim through life more easily. You will feel better and perform better in every aspect of your life.


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