The Impact Coaching Blog

Welcome to our blog written by our Chartered Psychologists

Get the feeling that YOU are the biggest thing holding you back?

Oct 20, 2023

Do you find yourself doubting your abilities as a Leader?

Do you want to present more powerfully to senior executives and have greater impact? Do you need to think more strategically, build stronger relationships, make better decisions?

You may find yourself avoiding challenging conversations or dislike giving feedback. Some leaders I work with feel overwhelmed by multiple demands and have difficulty prioritising, struggling sometimes to let go and delegate key pieces of work.

Do you get the feeling that YOU are the biggest thing holding you back?

As Chartered Psychologists, we can help you to gain insights about yourself, your strengths, values and motivations. We can tackle any self-limiting thinking and behaviours that are holding you back and limiting your progress. You will be better able to perform in high stakes situations, feel more confident, competent, happy and energised.

Importantly, others will notice the difference in you too

At Impact Coaching, we offer a range of coaching packages tailored to your needs, providing you with a confidential and non-judgmental space to discuss your work challenges.  Please have a look to see which one best suits you.


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