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Do you feel Emotionally safe at work?

safety abd resilience Jan 24, 2024

There are many things that are desirable to have. But, there are things that are essential to have and, safety is one of these. 

Many people we work with say they don't feel safe at work. They don't mean they are physically unsafe because, that would be a whole different problem. No, they say they don't feel psychologically safe.  On the face of it this may seem a strange thing to claim. But consider this. If you are at all anxious or worry, feel burnt-out, feel overworked and, stressed, feel you are not adequately resourced, under poor management or unimportant then you also do not feel safe at work.

All of the problems we have identified above include in them an element of psychological threat and when you feel threatened you do not feel safe.

Let's unpack this a little more.

If you are anxious or worried you are creating catastrophic thoughts about what might happen in the future. You experience emotions of fear and threat and hence you don't feel safe. 

If you are stressed you are concerned about not being able to do what you need to do and this makes you feel vulnerable. Hence you do not feel safe.

If you are burning out through overwork, the systematic demands your situation is placing upon you are making you spend your personal vitality and energy to satisfy the never ending demands of work.

If you are not adequately resourced then you can feel like you are trying to stem a flood but only have paper towels to mop up a bit of the water. And, all the while poor management and a lack of care or even concern for your well being make you feel unimportant and trapped. Non of this makes you feel safe.

In this video I explain ways that lack of a feeling of safety at work can negatively affect you. This is so important I would call it fundamental. Please watch the video.  



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